Autumn plans at EYJA – new features, going mobile, improved privacy

As autumn arrives we’re happy to share that our first summer has been a successful one. Membership continues to grow and we’re really proud of what we’ve managed to achieve so far. However, we’re not the type to rest on our laurels and we’ve been busy behind the scenes making plans for the rest of this year!

Growing membership with targeted campaigns

As we’re still quite new and our membership is building, we understand that right now some members might not be able to find a suitable employer or employee in their area. But we ask you to stick with us because as our membership continues to grow, it will become easier to find the right people and we’re committed to balanced, customer-oriented growth.

This means that if we see more people joining from a certain area, we’ll focus our advertising campaigns on that specific region. This in turn will help boost membership even further, giving you a bigger choice of potential clients or employees. Similarly, we’ll also use these campaigns to ensure the balance between job seeker and employee membership is maintained.

Developing a more user-friendly EYJA platform

Using data analytics from our website and member feedback and suggestions, we’re also looking to make the EYJA platform even more user-friendly.

As well as improving the desktop format, we’re going to focus on becoming more mobile-friendly, as we have discovered this is the preferred format of our members. Updates will include a more intuitive mobile portal that makes it easier to get where you want to go.

Please be aware as that changes are implemented there may be a few interruptions to your service, but we’ll aim to keep these to a minimum. Also, please don’t hesitate to report any problems you come across during or after updates.

Focusing on privacy

Our website was developed from the ground up to be compliant with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), however we’re planning to go above and beyond  by adding further privacy features.

Currently users can easily manage their data, hide their profile and delete their account as they wish. Soon we’ll add improvements including limiting the number of member profile summaries an unregistered website visitor can view.

If you’d like to find out more about how your data and your privacy is currently protected on our website, then please read our full Privacy Policy.

So that’s all our news for now – do keep an eye on the blog for future updates. We’re here to help you in any way we can, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via the Contact Form if you have any questions.


All the best,

The EYJA Team

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