At EYJA our compact team of dedicated professionals know both sides of the coin; living with the challenge of a disability and working as a PA. Our project was born from this understanding, as well as an understanding of the issues which many living life with a disability face on a daily basis.

When we set out on this journey we aimed to create a simple, affordable membership platform. Working on the principle of simplicity we set about creating a user-friendly website that would be clearly structured, easy to navigate, and would help our members find what they are looking for without a fuss. Whilst we have done everything we possibly could do to achieve this in the initial phase of our launch, we place a heavy emphasis on working together and creating an online network for our members. This means that whilst we love our minimalist design and simple approach to things, you may not. We always want to hear your thoughts on how we can do things better.

Whilst we are focused on building our network our main objective is to be an employee/employer finding platform. But, we would welcome your input to help EYJA grow and become a living, breathing, up-to-date network. We also welcome bloggers and journalists to pitch their stories to us, and we would be greatly appreciative if you gave us a shout-out in any of your social media posts, or simply by sharing a testimonial with us. We will be sure to share what you have to say about us.

We feel that when connecting employers with employees - and vice versa - matching the correct personalities is the most important aspect of the relationship. We give all of our members the chance to personalise their profiles with photographs, cover images and list their own personal likes and dislikes. When seeking a PA or a client, our search function also has a number of filters to help each individual narrow down and focus their specific needs, and ultimately find who and what they are looking for as an employee or an employer.

Our blog will also contain a news section, useful tips, employment advice, plus other vital information which we feel will be of value to our members. Once again, we would happily welcome any additions which you personally may wish to contribute to this section of the network.

And best of all? This is just the start! After the initial launch of our website, we will immediately begin the second phase of our project which will include yet more exciting and innovative features for our members as they seek to find the perfect connection for their requirements.

We hope you enjoy the work we have done so far and we greatly look forward to you joining us. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us with any suggestions you may have to help enhance your experience with us.

Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you soon,


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