Eyja’s ‘Urgent’ feature — when you need a direct line ASAP

During this time of the pandemic, life situations are changing from hour to hour. A fast and direct line to assistance or employment is increasingly needed all over the UK.   

Are you in need of urgent care or employment?

Use Eyja’s ‘Urgent’ feature to email all active members instantly and directly about your urgent need.

Here’s how it works

  • Select ‘Urgent’ from the paid services list.
  • We give you a real-time count of all relevant active members and the total price.
  • After payment, an email will be sent directly to relevant active members about your urgent search. That way, even if some members are not interested or exactly what you are looking for, they may know someone who is.
  • Your profile will feature at the top of all relevant search results for 10 days.

For this period of the pandemic, we have lowered the price of this service for our members. 


Be safe everyone,

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